Colds almost seem to be a way of life for families with young kids. These upper respiratory infections are caused by numerous rhinoviruses and typically run their course within a few days. However, sometimes colds persist and worsen. Here is a guide to understanding cold symptoms, interventions to take at home, and when you should see your pediatrician in Purchase, NY, about common colds in children.
What Is the Common Cold?
The common cold is a viral infection affecting the upper respiratory tract, including the nose, throat, and sinuses. The rhinoviruses that cause colds spread easily through respiratory droplets, making them very contagious. They also may spread through close contact with someone who already has a cold or is developing one.
Children come in contact with respiratory droplets when someone coughs or sneezes, or even from touching surfaces such as doorknobs, tables, and countertops. As they grow and develop, most children experience multiple colds throughout the year simply because their immune systems—the body’s natural defenses against disease—are still developing.
What Are the Symptoms of the Common Cold?
The most common symptoms of a cold in children include:
- A runny nose
- Nasal congestion (green or yellow discharge)
- Coughing
- Sore/scratchy throat
- Sneezing
- Interrupted sleep
- Low-grade fever (100° Fahrenheit or less)
- Body aches and pains
- Crying and irritability
These symptoms may last for up to a week. However, the duration of the illness can vary from child to child. In some cases, the cold virus may lead to middle ear infections (otitis media) or sinus infections (sinusitis).
At-Home Interventions for the Common Cold in Children
There are many things you can do at home to help your child feel better as the cold runs its natural course. These interventions include:
- Increasing fluids, or getting your child to drink as much water and other fluids as possible
- Resting and doing quiet activities, such as reading or playing games
- Staying home from school and other group activities (to avoid the spread of cold germs)
- Sneezing or coughing into a tissue
- Washing hands frequently
- Giving over-the-counter acetaminophen or ibuprofen (not aspirin) for fever and body aches
When to See a Pediatrician for the Common Cold in Children
Parents should monitor kids closely when they develop a cold. While you do not need to visit your child’s doctor for an in-office visit for many of these upper respiratory illnesses, some colds do need expert medical care. You should see your pediatrician in Purchase, NY, if your youngster:
- Has a high fever that persists (particularly if your child is 12 weeks old or younger)
- Vomits repeatedly
- Experiences shortness of breath and other difficulties with respirations (including wheezing and chest tightness)
- Sleeps more than usual
- Coughs up excessive amounts of thick mucus
- Has swollen lymph nodes at the sides of the neck
- Eats very little or not at all
- Complains of a bad headache, ear pain, or stomach pain
These symptoms may indicate an infection that is more serious than the common cold, such as:
- Strep throat
- Pneumonia or bronchitis
- Middle ear infection (otitis media)
- Meningitis
Your pediatrician will examine your child, including their ears, nose and throat, vital signs, and breath sounds. The doctor also may test for strep throat or respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), or take other on-site assessments as needed. Our office is fully equipped for a variety of lab tests including rapid strep and flu testing for your convenience.
Can You Prevent the Common Cold in Kids?
No one can prevent the common cold 100% of the time. However, families can take common- sense steps to help reduce the spread of cold viruses.
These cold prevention strategies include:
- Frequent and thorough handwashing
- Staying home when sick
- Avoiding crowds during peak cold and flu season
- Staying well-hydrated
- Eating a nutritious diet that includes fresh fruits and vegetables
- Avoiding all tobacco products and secondhand smoke
Common Cold Treatment for Children in Purchase, NY
At Westchester Park Pediatrics, our premiere team of six board-certified pediatricians wants families to be as healthy as possible during cold and flu season. We encourage parents to watch colds closely and to contact us if upper respiratory symptoms progress.
To learn more about cold and flu prevention, contact us for an in-office visit. Call us today at (914) 761-1717 or request a visit here. We are located in the Purchase Professional Park for your convenience.