Selecting the right childcare setting is crucial for any family, especially when a youngster has ADHD or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Here’s information from your pediatrician in Purchase, NY, about what to consider when choosing child care for your youngster.
Be Sure You Know How ADHD Affects Your Child
ADHD is a neurological disorder affecting both children and adults. Indeed a brain difference, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is characterized by extreme inattention to tasks and conversations, impulsive actions that disrupt school and home environments, and almost constant activity. People of all ages with this disorder have difficulty in planning and organizing, seem quickly bored, and deal poorly with frustrating tasks and situations.
Many parents, caregivers, and others involved in children’s lives suspect early on in a youngster’s development that something is very different. Accordingly, families should seek medical and psychological evaluations for their hyperactive kids so treatment and symptom management can begin.
There is a strong hereditary component for ADHD, and stress in the home may contribute to the severity of the condition. So, when parents seek professional help, they should be open and honest about their child’s behavior and desired treatment outcomes.
Parents need to know how best to raise their kids in a “neurotypical” world and not always tolerant of behavior differences. Fortunately, ADHD is manageable through various customizable modalities, including medication, cognitive and behavioral therapy, adaptations to the home and school environment, and more.
Choose Child Care That is Convenient, Safe, and Affordable
As with any decision which impacts the individual child, the choice of daycare for the ADHD boy or girl is critical. Along with the usual criteria–safety, licensing, affordability, emergency plans, and convenience of location–the choice of childcare must include:
- Teachers and caregivers who are experienced in special pediatric needs, and ADHD in particular
- A high teacher/caregiver to child ratio
- Structured activities
- Large play areas and enclosed outdoor spaces
- Plenty of stimulation with art, music, toys, and tactile experiences
So, parents must interview prospective child care centers carefully, asking questions that render necessary information and give mom and dad a feel for how a child will be treated. Ask yourself, does the childcare environment seem too loose and unsupervised? Is it too harsh and dismissive of behavior and learning differences? A positive attitude on the part of adults is key to managing behaviors in the youngster who has ADHD.
Your Pediatricians in Purchase, NY
At Westchester Park Pediatrics, five board-certified pediatricians head our professional and caring team. They are an excellent resource for helping parents love and nurture their children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.
To learn more about this neurological disorder, please contact our Purchase, NY, office and arrange a consultation with one of our doctors. Call (914) 761-1717, or request your appointment through our website.